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Who can benefit from a Nutritional Therapy Consultation?

-Consultations -

Many people come to me with specific health issues, some just come looking for general advice so that they can fine-tune their existing diet to look and feel their best.  The most common health concerns I deal with are:


  • low energy/fatigue,

  • sugar cravings,

  • digestive trouble (incl. IBS, constipation, bloating, reflux),

  • allergies,

  • weight gain/inability to lose weight,

  • chronic yeast infections,

  • adult acne,

  • psoriasis,

  • low mood/anxiety,

  • sinus issues,

  • PMS 


What to expect at a Consultation

Before your first consultation you will be asked to submit a food diary of a typical few days of your diet.  Before your consultation I will analyse this submission doing a  macro and micro nutrient analysis to show you where you might need to focus on to balance your diet and help to address your health concerns. 


In a typical nutritional therapy consultation, I will assess your general health, family and health history, dietary habits, digestive function and lifestyle. I will then devise a dietary and lifestyle plan suitable for your circumstances and addressing your health goals. This may include dietary adjustments, suggestions for dietary support, lifestyle changes and food or vitamin/mineral/herbal supplement recommendations. I also work with doTerra oils where necessary as an adjunct to the individual naturopathic plan.  I concentrate on getting to the root cause of your health issues and bringing you back to optimum health.


Often my work requires the interpretation of test results brought to me by clients. These tests may have been ordered by a GP or other clinician. I may also request functional tests from time to time. These will be used to inform my food, supplement and lifestyle suggestions.  Some of the functional tests that I may use are:


  • Functional Blood Chemistries

  • Comprehensive stool analysis

  • Female hormone panels

  • Urinary organic acid analysis

  • Digestive function investigations

  • Food intolerance/sensitivity



A full patient history is taken and the client will leave with a Naturopathic Nutrition Plan to address their health concerns and a supplement prescription where necessary.  A healthy eating plan and healthy recipes to support your efforts will also be provided.


The first consultation usually lasts about 90 minutes, second and subsequent consultations (if needed) usually last about 45 minutes.  


I also provide full support by email or phone if you are unsure about any aspect of your plan in the period between consultations.


Here is a more comprehensive, but not exhaustive,  list of health issues that can be improved with dietary and lifestyle modifications:

Digestive Problems: Constipation, Diarrhea, Flatulence, IBS, Reflux, IBS, Food allergies/Intolerances


Hormonal Imbalances/Women’s Health:Fertility Issues, PMS, PCOS, Endometriosis, Menopause, Recurring Chronic Thrush, Chronic recurring Urinary Tract Infections


Skin Conditions:Adult Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea


Mental/Emotional Health & Wellbeing: Low mood, Anxiety, Fatigue, Poor Concentration


Weight Related Issues:Weight gain/inability to lose weight, sugar cravings, diabetes


Cardio-Vascular Health:Raised Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Metabolic Syndrome


Children’s Immunity: recurrent ear and chest infections, asthma and excema, behavioural issues. 

About Us:


Ladybird Nutrition is a Nutritional Therapy Practise specialising in Women and Children's Health, skin and digestive issues and general wellbeing.

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